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Greenville School of Taekwondo

students are separated into four training classes:






Each class includes male and female students of various ages.


All classes focus on the five tenets of Taekwondo: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit.


Beginner class: Tuesday and Thursday 4:45-5:30 PM. Students learn stretching exercises, basic principles of Taekwondo and beginning motions such as kicks, punches and blocks. This class is for White, Orange and Yellow belts


Intermediate class: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-6:20 PM. Students practice combination movements, that require greater concentration and are involved in cooperative efforts. This class is for  Green, Blue, and Red belts


Advanced class: Tuesday and Thursday 6:20-7:00 PM. Students continue to refine the techniques on their way to earning the coveted black belt. Emphasis is placed on control and power, as well as self-defense. This class is for Red and Black belts


Family rates and discounts are available.

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